Circle of Indigenous Languages

A digital learning centre and database created to share, to teach, and to revitalize Indigenous languages.


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“All Canadians need to learn about the land beneath their feet, learn about the First Peoples whose land they live on and care about that and join us in the fight to resurrect and revive Indigenous languages”.

Dr. Onowa McIvor

Face of University of Victoria Research

Published – Nov. 14, 2013

Your Voice

Tell us your story, click the button below to upload a pre-recorded video or to record your video now!

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Ready to start revitalizing your own language?

Schedule a meeting with one of our education professionals to start your Indigenous language journey today.

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“Indigenous Peoples want to tell our own stories, write our own versions, in our own ways for our own purposes”.

Linda Tuhiwai Smith

Decolonizing Methodologies

Published - May 2012